How to edit unity assets
How to edit unity assets

Using Addressables instantiation interfaces will load the asset, then immediately adds it to your Scene. To add the asset to your scene you must instantiate. This does not actually put the desired asset into your scene. Loading an asset loads all dependencies into memory (including the asset's bundle data if applicable), allowing you to use the asset when you need to. You can load or instantiate an Addressable Asset at runtime. Using Addressable Assets Loading or instantiating by address To build content using the API, use AddressableAssetSettings.BuildPlayerContent().To build content in the Editor, open the Addressables Groups window, then select Build > New Build > Default Build Script.You can build this content via the Editor or API: The Addressables Asset System needs to build your content into files that can be consumed by the running game before you build the application. When you first start using Addressable Assets, the system saves some edit-time and runtime data assets for your Project in the Assets/AddressableAssetsData file, which should be added to your version control check-in. To change the asset's address from the Addressables Groups window, right-click the asset and select Change Address. The default address for your asset is the path to the asset in your Project (for example, Assets/images/myImage.png). Marking an asset as Addressable in the Addressables Groups window. Next, drag the desired asset from your Project window into one of the asset groups in the Addressables Groups window. Select Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups to open the Addressables Groups window. Marking an asset as Addressable in the Inspector window. In the Inspector, click the Addressable checkbox and enter a name by which to identify the asset. In your Project window, select the desired asset to view its Inspector. There are two ways to mark an asset as Addressable in the Unity Editor: Preparing Addressable Assets Marking assets as Addressable

How to edit unity assets install#

To install this package, follow the instructions in the Package Manager documentation. Important: The Addressable Asset System requires Unity version 2018.3 or later. Getting started Installing the Addressable Assets package

How to edit unity assets